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Attention Bid! Due to cease of operation and repair of aircraft type RJ-85 and in view of impossibility of their further use in production, the following instruments and equipment of aircraft type RJ-85 are offered for sale (one lot)
23.05.2022 14:56

Attention Bid! Due to cease of operation and repair of aircraft type RJ-85 and in view of impossibility of their further use in production, the following instruments and equipment of aircraft type RJ-85 are offered for sale (one lot)


Due to termination of operation and repair of RJ-85 type aircraft and due to impossibility of their further use in production, tools and equipment of RJ-85 type aircraft are offered for sale (one lot)


Tools and equipment belong to "second-hand" category, unclaimed by production for about 3 years, they are on the balance sheet

A list of the items to be sold is attached.

For more details, please contact by phone: (+998 71) 255-68-67 or e-mail: common@airtech.uz; marketing@airtech.uz Applications are accepted till 10.06.2022


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