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Specialists of «XT-XARID» held a seminar for employees of «UAT» LLC
07.11.2022 13:28

On November 4, 2022, in order to improve the work in the field of procurement, a seminar was held at UAT LLC, to which employees of the electronic platform "XT-XARID TEXNOLOGIYALARI" Kosimova Shukron and Mahsudhodjaev Said-Asror were invited. Heads and specialists of the departments took part in the seminar from Uzbekistan Airways Technics. The seminar was opened by public procurement specialist Kosimova Shukrona. During the seminar, the issues of using the public procurement system «ht-xarid» were studied.

In particular, the following topics were covered in detail:

- selection of the procurement method: procurement without violations; advantages of selecting the best offers and auctions from other procurement methods; correct preparation of technical specifications;

- planning and implementation of public procurement;

- avoiding mistakes in public procurement;

- correct setting of qualification requirements for suppliers;

- procedure and rules for evaluating participants' proposals;

- prevention of a conflict of interest in public procurement, according to ZRU-684.

The seminar ended with a discussion in the form of a "question-answer".